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Write blog posts-The best thoughts and ideas come when u are sitting idle, so jot down all the ideas  and do some research and when u go back home all you need to do is post it.

Read E-books-Load up your favourite eBooks in your usb and you can easily open with adobe, most of the companies have it installed in office computers.

Solitaire-Its one of the first thing I can think of when it comes to wasting time at work, if the programme is removed,, try hitting Windows Key+R then typing sol.exe and enter. If it doesn’t work read the fourth tip.

Planning out the weekend-I spend lot of time planning out my weekends at work, whom to meet, where to go, budgeting, movies shows , ticket price all that stuff. Weekends are short, Dont waste time in planning.

Get to know your co-workers- Talk to them about family, fun, vacation, weekend plans, non work related stuff.

Hope it helps…cheers